How Long You Should Hold a Plank for A Stronger Core?

How Long You Should Hold a Plank for A Stronger Core?

You hold a push-up by resting on your forearms in the plank posture. The best workout for developing important core muscles is this straightforward movement. Nearly every action you take throughout the day, from picking up objects from the floor to turning to check the road ahead while driving, revolves around your stronger core.

Why is a Stronger Core Important?

Your abdominals, back, hips, pelvis, and buttocks are covered by the various muscle groups that make up your core. Various issues can arise from a poor core. It might result in bad posture, which inevitably brings on neck and shoulder pain. A weak core is frequently linked to painful knees and hips.

How Often Should Planks be Performed?

You need to hold a plank daily, every other day, or just as part of your usual exercise routine.

Legs stretched and feet together, lying face down with forearms on the floor. To get this much comfort, use a mat or towel.

By pressing into your forearms, straighten your body through your head and neck down to the feet. (Avoid letting your hips sink or raise.)

Hold this position with your gaze downward and your abs clenched. Inhale slowly and evenly.

Up to 30 seconds should be spent holding the plank for core strength until lowering your body or having a break. Thus, one set is finished. Strive to finish two or three sets.

What Errors Happen Most Frequently?

Planks are just a good exercise to include in your workouts, but a few common form errors can make them less effective or even dangerous.

Too-high or too-low hips:

Your hips are the first place you should focus your attention. "It seems like people raise their hips too high or lower them too low a lot of the time," This is a typical error that could lower your core's level of engagement. It suggests imagining pulling your belly button into your spine to make your glutes firm and keep your back flat in order to avoid this."Your body must be in a straight line from head to toe."

Your wrists and shoulders are not stacked:

Your wrists are not stacked over your elbows, and your shoulders must be. If you find this exercise too challenging, you can change it by getting into a plank position and getting down on your knees. Just make sure your shoulders have been stacked over your wrists.

Your back isn't in neutral:

Maintaining a neutral spine is crucial when you complete a plank. Your neck thus plays a crucial part in this. "You stop having a neutral spine as soon as it starts jabbing your head to look up or forward. Look straight down at the floor between the hands to keep your neck balanced with your spine.

You're not using your muscles:

Similarly, "missed opportunities to stimulate the glutes, pecs, or lats, muscles which most individuals don't think of as "the core," wasted possibilities to produce support and stability in your plank position, and hence optimise the benefits of the workout.


It's more difficult to think of a seemingly uninteresting workout than the plank. The move, after all, is distinguished by its absence of movement, necessitating that you maintain a tight, straight, and still posture throughout each set. However, it's also difficult to imagine a more demanding and effective core builder; that's why you'll encounter it in almost every fit test and core exercise you perform.

Many experts agree that 10 to 30 seconds are adequate. Focus on performing repeated sets of shorter time periods. You need to hold a plank for an additional one or two minutes as you grow, but dont go any longer.

The plank is a popular exercise that improves your entire body from head to toe. Your lower back or abdominal muscles, in particular, as well as your core muscles, are strengthened by the plank. Reduced lower back pain, better everyday function, or increased sports performance are all associated with having a stronger core.

The prone bridge test, sometimes referred to as the Plank Test, is a basic fitness exercise that has the potential to build a strong core with planks.

Start in a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart, your feet hip-width apart, and your body in a straight line. Engage your core, glutes, and leg muscles to hold this position.

As a beginner, start with 20-30 seconds and gradually increase the duration as you gain more strength and endurance.

Both methods are effective, but its recommended to do multiple short planks as it helps to build endurance and prevent injuries. Start with 2-3 sets of 20-30 seconds each and increase the time gradually.

Yes, you can do planks every day, but its important to give your muscles time to recover. Its recommended to do planks 3-4 times a week to allow for adequate recovery time.

For advanced plank holds, aim for 60 seconds or more. Its important to remember to maintain proper form and engage your core muscles throughout the duration of the plank.