Tips to Get Better Sleep in Night

Tips to Get Better Sleep in Night

It is very important to have a good night's sleep. One should sleep for at least 8 hours a day. A research h study mentioned that poor sleep can negatively impact your brain function, exercise performance, and hormones. This may even lead to weight gain and may even increase the disease risk in children as well as adults. A good night's sleep helps you exercise better, stay healthier, and eat less. If you wish to lose weight or improve your health, then a good night's sleep is all you need. Below are the tips to better sleep at night.

1) Increase the bright light exposure during daytime

To Get Better Sleep Increase the bright light exposure during daytime - LiveDownloading

Our physical body has a time-keeping clock, which is known as circadian rhythm. It affects your hormones, body, and brain that allows your body to stay awake, and reminds your body when to go to sleep. If you are someone who is suffering from insomnia, then exposure to daytime bright light can improve sleep duration and quality. It also reduces the time taken to fall asleep. A study conducted on older adults stated that 2 hours of bright light exposure during daytime increased the number of seep hours. Moreover, it increased sleep efficiency by 2 hours. Try to get daily sunlight exposure. In case it is not possible, then you must invest in an artificial bright light device.

2) Try to reduce blue light exposure in the evening

To Get Better Sleep reduce blue light exposure in the evening - LiveDownloading

Exposure to light is important during the day but nighttime exposure can have a negative impact on the circadian rhythm as your mind is forced to think that it is still daytime. This reduces hormones such as melatonin which can help you relax and get better sleep. Blue light is the light that computers and smartphones release in large amounts. There are various popular methods that you can use to reduce blue light exposure during nighttime. These include:

  • Download an app like f.lux to block blue light on your PC.
  • Wear glasses designed to block blue light.
  • Install an app that can block blue light on your smartphone.
  • Turn off bright lights 2 hours before going to bed.

3) Don't consume caffeine late during the day

To Get Better Sleep Don't consume caffeine late during the day - LiveDownloading

Caffeine has various benefits. Around 90% of people in the United States consume caffeine. A single dose of caffeine can improve your sports performance, energy, and focus. However, if you consume caffeine late during the day, it may stimulate your nervous system and may stop your body from naturally relaxing during nighttime. In a study, it was mentioned that consumption of caffeine 6 hours before going to bed can negatively impact your sleep quality. Therefore, if you want better sleep, then stop consuming caffeine during the nighttime. If you crave coffee in the evening, then you must consume decaffeinated coffee.

4) Minimize daytime naps

To Get Better Sleep Minimize daytime naps - LiveDownloading

It is always beneficial to take small power naps but napping during the daytime can negatively impact your sleep. It may confuse your internal clock and sleeping at night may turn into a struggle for you. People who take naps during the day, tend to feel sleepy during the daytime. Therefore, if you want a better sleep at night, then you must minimize your daytime naps. Another study suggests that daytime naps affect your sleep quality.

5) Try to maintain the consistency of your sleeping patterns

To Get Better Sleep maintain the consistency of your sleeping patterns - LiveDownloading

The circadian rhythm of your body works on a set rhythm in which it aligns itself with sunrise and sunset. Having consistent sleeping and waking patterns can help you in long-term good quality sleep. If you are struggling with sleep, then you must develop a habit of waking up and going to bed at the same time every day. It may feel like a struggle at first but later on, you won't even need an alarm to wake you up. Plus, this will help you get better sleep.

6) Optimize your bedroom environment

To Get Better Sleep Optimize your bedroom environment - LiveDownloading

A lot of people believe that a good bedroom environment is a key to a good night's sleep. There are some other contributing factors that you must consider such as furniture arrangement, external lights, noise, and temperature, A lot of studies mention that external noise, particularly from traffic can lead to poor sleep and health issues. As per a study on the bedroom environment of a woman, around half of the participants had better sleep when light and noise were diminished.

In order to improve the bedroom environment, you must minimize the artificial lights from the devices, light, and external noise. Therefore, you must ensure that your bedroom is an enjoyable, clean, relaxing, and quiet place.

7) Set the bedroom temperature

To Get Better Sleep Set the bedroom temperature - LiveDownloading

Body and bedroom temperature also impact your sleep quality. You may have experienced that it is quite difficult to get a good night's sleep during summertime or in hot locations. It can be really difficult to get a good sleep in warm temperatures. Also, this can decrease sleep quality and increase wakefulness. 20 degree Celcius is considered a comfortable temperature for most people. It helps you get better sleep at night. However, this totally depends on your habits and preferences.

8) Don't eat late in the evening

To Get Better Sleep Don't eat late in the evening - LiveDownloading

Eating late can negatively impact your sleep quality. Therefore, the type and the quality of snacks play a huge role. A study conducted mentioned that a high-carb meal consumed 4 hours before bed can help you go to sleep faster. Another study discovered that a low-carb meal can improve your sleep and also indicate that carbs are not always required.

9) Relax and clear your mind during the evening

To Get Better Sleep Relax and clear your mind during the evening - LiveDownloading

A lot of people have a pre-sleep evening that enables them to relax. Relaxation techniques before going to bed improve sleep quality and also treat issues like insomnia. In a study, a relaxing massage improved the quality of sleep of people who were sick. These strategies include visualization, deep breathing, meditation, taking a hot bath, reading a book, and listening to relaxing music. All these relaxation techniques can help you have a better sleep at night. Try out these methods and see what works best for you.