What is Universal Travel Pass?

What is Universal Travel Pass?

In addition to taking lives, the pandemic also impacted the travel industry. When the epidemic first broke out, numerous restrictions—including an emergency lockdown—were implemented. Everyone is aware that travel has been halted. At that time, it developed the Universal Pass to make travel for immunised individuals easier. An electronic pass with a QR code called a Universal Pass only allows people who have the necessary immunisations to access public transportation. You can use this in intercity travel and at work, malls, and train stations.

How Can a Universal Pass Download?

Step 1: Go to the Universal Travel Pass website (UTP).

Step 2: The "Download Travel Pass" link is in step two.

Step 3: Type in your mobile number when a new page loads.

Step 4: To validate your cell phone number, enter this OTP.

This will produce your UTP in step 5.

How to Generate Universal Travel Pass?

You must follow the actions listed below if you want to apply for a Universal pass for yourself:

  • Visit the official universal pass online portal designated by your state's government.
  • The universal pass link for Maharashtra is https://epassmsdma.mahait.org/login.htm.
  • To register your establishment, click the link.
  • Include the registration number, establishment category, establishment type, a photo of the registration certificate, and all other required information.
  • Clicking on the declaration after accepting all the terms.
  • You will get a message confirming the completion of your registration after pressing "Register" on your registered mobile number.
  • In 48 hours, you will receive the link to download the Universal Travel Pass.
  • You can store your universal travel pass on your mobile device when downloaded.

Who May Submit a Universal Travel Pass Application?

Any fully immunised Indian citizen may apply for a universal travel pass. Children are not permitted to apply for this pass; only adults can do so. Additionally, companies and organisations with ties to the healthcare, education, or utility sectors can apply for a universal Covid pass for their staff members. Only 14 days after obtaining your second immunisation does allow you to apply for this pass. If you apply for the pass before the 14-day window, you will get it once it has. So, you can eventually receive the universal travel pass for citizens who have vaccinations.

What Will Be Included in Your Universal Travel Pass?

A universal travel pass (UTP) will include the information listed below:

  • The pass holder's name
  • Male or female UTP holder
  • The UTP holder's age
  • The UTP holder's picture
  • Category of travel
  • The beneficiary ID of the Applicant
  • A QR code
  • Dates of the first and second doses of the COVID immunisation.


Q1: How do I purchase an online Universal Pass?

Applying for a Universal Travel Pass on the main website

  • Visit the website, please. epassmsdma.mahait.com
  • Locate the "Universal Pass for Double Vaccinated Citizens" link under the headline "Citizen" and click on it.
  • Please provide the mobile phone number used to sign up for Cowin.

Q2: What are the uses of universal pass?

Those who have received all required vaccinations may use a Universal Travel Pass, an electronic pass based on the QR code, to gain entry to bus services, including structures such as aeroplanes, offices, workplaces, train stations, or shopping centres.

Q3: How can I download the universal travel pass online?

Please go to the epassmsdma.mahait.com website. Locate the "Universal Pass for Double Vaccinated Citizens" link under the headline "Citizen" and tap on it. Kindly provide the mobile phone number used to sign up for Cowin.

Q4: Is the Universal Pass required?

The government and the Railway Department have made it plain that non-universal pass holders cannot purchase tickets. You can access all the state's citizen-related data by scanning the QR code included on the Universal Travel Pass.


The Indian government has introduced the Universal Travel Pass to make travel simpler for every person. You can use public transportation and visit public areas without hesitation if you have a UTP. Therefore, you must apply for this pass as soon as feasible.

Furthermore, consider getting a travel policy if you intend to travel abroad shortly. You won't have to worry about paying hefty hospital fees should you get the virus, and it will keep your cash secure. Before selecting the travel insurance plan best for you, you may also compare other universal pass registration options online.